Durian Street

Durian Street
As the sun dips and neon lights flicker on Durian Street, life buzzes with an easy energy . The thick humid air carries both the scent of durians and street food, while the residents are winding down from work or gearing up for the evening, merging into a dance of routine and revelry.

Above, parties blare from high-rises, and swimmers enjoy a rooftop splash. Bigfoot is taking a vacation and visiting the urban jungle. Being elusive in the wilderness is hard work!

Sherpa Tours is taking their Sheeple sightseeing through town, driven around by the capable Cornelious Cat. Dinosaurs share rooftops and gardening tips with residents, and in a cosy family penthouse, a creepy lady from another realm makes contact.

Grandma is sitting in her little drink and snack shop, enjoying her fresh brewed tea and watching the world go by. Grandpa has a sale at his shoe store next door. He also makes custom cat shoes.

The laundromat is in chaos, the noodle store next door serves questionable ramen, a hedgehog can afford to rent a whole apartment and decorate it with rings. Meanwhile, a rodent slumlord reigns supreme in his block of cheese while he watches a crazy fish flash her legs not for the first time. The Reaper sighs as he pets his albino python and admires his Monstera Deliciosa plant. A dog barks at a burglar while the birds gather around the pear tree to twitter before bedtime. Such is life on a humid evening on Durian Street!
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